Kamis, 17 Juli 2014


Data is the important thing for an organization. Base on data, the organization can do the functional of management. It start from a planning, data is one of basic resource.  And then, to organizing of man-material-method-market-money-machine organization, need data. After that, based on data also, organization can make an actuating so the goals of organization can be reached effectively  and efficiently.

So, in the past time we known that organization need a management and management have a leadership to make a decision, it’s not enough for today. The organization need data for doing the management functional before the leader make a decision. Without data, the decision like arrow that has no purposes.

A description about the important of data can look from the statement : If the garbage you bring in, you will get the garbage out.  Meaning is if the organization has the garbage of data so the decision will be the garbage too.

The importance of data also depend on how organization to collecting data.  There’re so many techniques to get or to collecting data. The National Population and Family Planning Board in Indonesia, use a different technique to collect the data accordance with the purpose of data collection.

Survey is one of technique of collecting data for make a decision.  As we know, technique to collecting data using the survey is not every population or families will be to be entry in data base. The survey always apply the statistic method like how many targets, how many samples, how many respondent, the probability value and so on. Because the statistic method is scientifically agreed so there will be no a doubted for the decision that based on a scientifically analyzed.

The other technique of collecting data that used by BKKBN is Collecting data of Family Planning, every year.  This technique is not using scientific principles, because every population and family will be entry to the data base.  So, within this technique, BKKBN has a complete of family data by name by address. These data useful for implementation of Family Planning program to the right targets.

Now, since a few days, I invited to following the workshop at John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. This workshop is talk about Performance Monitoring Accountability 2020 (PMA2020). It’s my first time following the event in another country like Baltimore, USA. Not the country that makes me interested but the program PMA 2020 that really new program for me. This article wrote based on my experience for three days, here, trying ti knowing and understanding.

The Progress of  IT

At the beginning session of workshop of PMA 2020, Scott Radloff, PhD, as a Project Director of PMA 2020 explains to the participants about organization structure and management in Baltimore and across program countries. He said,  PMA 2020 is the follow up of London Summit in 2011. With the new technique to collecting data, use a smart phone so will be more frequently. This technique is to mark of data progress and evolution of technology. Introducing of program by Mr. Scott makes me knows one thing.

Knowing that I’m not the only person, who was build a program using a smart phone to collecting data. Because, before I go to this big country, I have been to start in collecting Family Planning Data using the smart phone. The collector data are the villages cadre of Family Planning and the Family Planning fieldworkers are do the entry data using smart phone.

The progress of IT in collecting data as the same as PMA 2020 that I have been to do,  makes me more interested to understand about PMA 2020. So that’s why I’m only listening, watching and writing without interrupting, asking or speaking.  The other side, this has related to the program of application of MDK that was National Board of Population and Family Planning of South Kalimantan Province has built.

Here are the important things that in my notes as long as presentation.

  1. The PMAS 2020 as the same as the other survey but the PMA 2020 using the smart phone. This specialization makes PMA looks like different because this survey has a attention to environmental sustainability (not use papers that comes from the trees); has consider the time for the effective and efficient survey ;
  2. As survey method, PMA 2020 still calculated about the population for choosing the clusters, enumerators, respondents, etc. But PMA 2020 focused to member of household to be survey’s respondent.  The member of household not only family (has blood relationship and marriage) but who was slept in the household although not a regular member of household, can be listed by enumerators;      
  3. The program application of PMA 2020 is more complete because not only have a Family Planning purposes but also for the healthy life program.  It's shown by the questionnaires for the respondent. It means the data from the PMA 2020 also has related with Millennium Development Goals 2015; 
  4. Just like MDK Application in South Kalimantan, the application of PMA 2020 is in the server and the clouds.  It can save so much data (no limit data) for a long time. The aggregate data, not on the application at the smart phone but in the clouds and in the server. It's looks like in South Kalimantan, the fieldworkers and the cadres only have an access to entry of the data to the server and clouds with a blank form in the smart phone, but the aggregate of data only the admin  province has an authority. So, every country that need the data from PMA 2020 for make a decision of Family Planning must have deal for an access to the server. 


The participants get so much information for PMA 2020 and may be, the important session when program Open Data Kits will be presented by the committee after the first workshop closing. Specially of ODK, I have so understand how the MDK  application in South Kalimantan,  not only show the data of family but the family planning map in South Kalimantan. And may be the session in day 3rd on July 17 2014 is needed for application of MDK in my country to makes an easy calculation, so these data can be analysed and serves to the Region Government perfectly.

This article just for share  of information. Hopefully it can be a positive suggests for anybody to trying to knowing and understanding about PMA 2020. But the complete information, anybody can open link of Johns Hopkins University.

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