March19th, 2014th
I have to go to West Java on that day because I have an ordered by my head office to learn about application of Family Data Collection. So, I go to Bandung with the other head of section in our division.
In the same time, my friend should drove away a head office of Regional Devices Organization to central office because they have to give the files. That files needed to have the Manggala Karya Kencana appreciation. So we going together, by Lion Air.
The journey from Syamsuddin Noor airport to Seokarto Hatta is very good. Because my friend's travel bag must be put in a baggage of the plane, so he should waiting for his baggage out from there. So, the three of us waiting him.
As long as waiting my friend, the head office of Regional Devices Organization ask me about what will I do in West Java. So I give him an explanation about the planning in Family Data Collection using IT like laptop, android etc so there's no need a form anymore.
The conversation move to a restaurant in the airport because all of them was hungry. So we have a lunch there. While we have the lunch, the head office (called him Mr. NF) ask me, " is it ok to bring the souvenir to the selection team at central office ?" For this question, I answered, it's not a problem as long as he said that souvenir given for a gift (oleh-oleh)
The next question makes me shocked. Why ? Because he asked me, how to give the envelope to the team of selection ? I asked him back, who has give that suggestion to bring the envelope ? Oh my GOD !! He answered, the name and it makes me shocked twice. The name (called him, Mr. RL) that he said is our temporary head division. I looked at his face and say to him,
" I'm sorry sir, at my central office there's no need an envelope. If you believe in me, don't give that envelope to the team. Because we no need an envelope or the money in that envelope to do and finishing the job. If you give the good reason and the good answer for all of the questions by the team sellection, I think your regional head will have that MKK"
He is confused at the moment but my friend give the different answer. My friend (call him Mr. RM) said, the envelope that needed by the team if they asked. Just prepare if they are asking about that. But don't give the envelop if they are not asked about that. Hmmmmmmm......Mr. RM answer's is look like the grey color. I can't say any words again because I don't want that Mr. NF saw me and Mr. RM have a different ways about the envelope.
You know, I have the bad thinking about Mr. RL. He is the one of leader by a dealer because he sold the information and give the lips services with the bad culture and then take the profit of Mr. NF. We called it..... manipulated information and corrupt for the envelop.
I'm proud of my central office. What was I said to Mr. NF is shown by the conversation between Mr. NR and the head of selection team. Wooohohohoooo.....the grey answer by Mr. RM is wrong and the suggestion from Mr. RL is not right.
At home. I've think. Is there a purpose of Mr. RL give suggestion to Mr. NF to prepare give an envelope to the team ? Because, I heard that Mr. GT (from the other regional) was gave the envelope too because suggestion from Mr. RL. I think, Mr. RL have a corruption's in minded and Mr. RM have too but thinnest than Mr. RL..... Hoawaaaa.... Do you think so ?
Only Allah Ta'ala, known. But the only thing that I can say, thank you.....because I can proving to the other people that my office is not a corruption office. It clear, like what was I tell to them.
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