My husband was moved from his old office. In his new office, he is a secretary. And at the beginning of his duty, he asked me to go to his office. Then, I went to his office and met some employees there.
For the first conversation, I was talked with someone about TP PKK. She asked me to help them makes TP PKK much better.
For the next conversation, I was talked with someone about the programs that have connected with my duties at my office. The programs are BKB and BKL. What was I found in that conversation makes me feel so shame.
The field employee of Family Planning never came to this office except there’s a special moment, like yesterday while there’s LOMBA KELURAHAN.
I’m so shame with this conversation. I imagined if all of the field employee of Family Planning do like her…. it means the program will be loose.... day by day….time by time.
And then, why they always protest about the job if they never do the job correctly.
The big question is Which one the truth….
They do the job but so less the salary or they have the salary but didn’t do the job ?
May be what was I found in my conversation a few days is the answer about that. Although, it can’t be general description
Menyamakan visi menyatukan misi demi terwujudnya Keluarga Kecil Bahagia Sejahtera
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